What is my Rating?

That is a common question every Pickleball Player ask themselves because they need to know to be able to join the right group to play, or to start entering tournaments. This question is even harder for newer players.

USA Pickleball Rating System

The definitive guide to rating is the Rating Sheets published by the USA Pickleball organization.


I find the Skill Assessment sheets on USA Pickleball website very useful for someone to self rate themselves — make sure you look at the PDF versions that are downloadable.

Direct links:

How to Use the Skill Assessment Sheet

To “qualify” for the rating on those sheets, you should score at least a 2 (good basic form, but needs work), and all the YES’es on the serve, return, volley requirements. When you are scoring all 3 (solid consistent performance) then you are ready to get into the next level.

Lexington Pickleball Club Rating Guide

Working with a few fellow coaches and volunteers, we developed a simplified guide to help player to self rate themselves so that as a community club we can have organized leveled and fun open play. See this page for details.