Stop Whining, Marissa Mayer is right

I agree with Mayer. Stop whining. The media is quick to jump on the band wagon and proclaim Mayer is heading backwards in time. Not true.

  1. Not allowing working from home full time is not the same as inflexible work arrangement
  2. Nothing can substitute for in person communications (read up on Sherry Turkle's work)
  3. Would you rather never see your adult children in person? No more family gatherings for life? I don't think so.
  4. People who claim working from home is more productive is missing the point. Personal productivity is a very narrow measurement of success.
  5. Virtual team has to be built from in person connections

I am all for flexible workplace. Having to work with many different people in different stages of their lives, this is what I do:

  1. allow for flexible work time, but require core time block when everyone is in the office, say 10-3 M-Th
  2. allow people to start the day early and leave early -- great for parents who need to pick up their young children, and start the day late and work late, for the stereotypical techie
  3. allow for a comfortable work place, access to food/drinks/support services and R&R spaces (a given in tech companies)
  4. allow for short Friday's as long as work is done M-Th

Most importantly, stop whining. If you are unwilling to get dressed, commute into the office to work with your peers just because you feel like you work better at home? What else are you unwilling to do?